SMCJ 1500W TVS diode
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SMCJ 1500W TVS diode

  • Package name: DO-214AB/SMC
  • For surface mounted applications in order to optimize board space.
  • Polarity: Color band denoted positive end (cathode) except Bidirectional.
  • Typical failure mode is short from over-specified voltage or current
  • High Temperature soldering: 260°C/10 seconds at terminals.
  • Terminal: Solder plated, solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026.

TVS SMCJ series products are suitable for any occasion where electronic equipment needs to be protected from electrical interference and damage. They can effectively absorb over-voltage and over-current, protect sensitive components in the circuit, and improve the stability and reliability of the entire electronic system.

The SMCJ series is a surface mount packaged diode that can withstand higher current and power compared to SMBJ.


  • Vehicle electronics

  • Telecommunications

  • Lighting protection module

  • Security

  • Switching power supply

  • Industrial controller

  • Inverter

  • Solar/wind renewable energy

Minimum Peak Pulse Power Dissipation (T = 1 ms) (note1 note 2)

1500 Watts

Peak Forward Surge Current

8.3 ms Single Half Sine Wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC Method) (Note 3)

200 Amps

Steady State Power Dissipation @ TL = 75  。C

6.5 Watts

Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage @ I PP = 50 A

(For Unidirectional Units Only)(note4 note 5)

3.5/5 Volts

Operating Temperature Range

-55 to + 150 ℃

Storage Temperature Range

-55 to + 175 ℃


  1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Pulse Waveform graph and derated above TA = 25 °C per Pulse Derating Curve.

  2. Thermal Resistance Junction to Lead.

  3. 8.3 ms Single Half-Sine Wave duty cycle = 4 pulses maximum per minute (unidirectional units only).

  4. Single Phase, Half Wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20 %.

  5. VF<3.5V for VBR< 200V and VF <5.0V for VBR> 201V.


Part Number (Bi) Part Number (Uni) MARKING Reverse
Stand off
Voltage VR
Voltage VBR (Volts)@IT
Test Current IT(mA) Maximum Reverse Leakage
IR@ VR(μA)
Maximum Peak Pulse Current
1 pp (A)
Maximum Clamping
Voltage VC @ I pp (V)
SMCJ5.0CA SMCJ5.0A BDE WHERE 5.0 6.40 7.00 10 500 163.0 9.2
SMCJ6.0CA SMCJ6.0A BDG GDG 6.0 6.67 7.37 10 500 145.6 10.3
SMCJ 6.5CA SMCJ 6.5A BDK GDK 6.5 7.22 7.90 10 300 134.0 11.2
SMCJ7.0 CA SMCJ7.0 A BDM GDM 7.0 7.78 8.60 10 200 125.0 12.0
SMCJ 7.5CA SMCJ 7.5A GDP GDP 7.5 8.33 9.21 1 100 116.3 12.9
SMCJ 8.0CA SMCJ 8.0A BDR GDR 8.0 8.89 9.83 1 50 110.3 13.6
SMCJ8.5 CA SMCJ8.5 A BDT GDT 8.5 9.44 10.40 1 20 104.2 14.4
SMCJ9.0 CA SMCJ9.0 A BDV GDV 9.0 10.00 11.10 1 10 97.4 15.4
SMCJ10CA SMCJ10A BDX GDX 10.0 11.10 12.30 1 1 88.3 17.0
SMCJ11CA SMCJ11A BDZ GDZ 11.0 12.20 13.50 1 1 82.5 18.2
SMCJ12CA SMCJ12A BEE GIVE 12.0 13.30 14.70 1 1 75.4 19.9
SMCJ13CA SMCJ13A BEG GEG 13.0 14.40 15.90 1 1 69.8 21.5
SMCJ14CA SMCJ14A BECK GEK 14.0 15.60 17.20 1 1 64.7 23.2
SMCJ15CA SMCJ15A BEM GEM 15.0 16.70 18.50 1 1 61.5 24.4
SMCJ16CA SMCJ16A BEP GEP 16.0 17.80 19.70 1 1 57.7 26.0
SMCJ17CA SMCJ17A BER GIVE 17.0 18.90 20.90 1 1 54.4 27.6
SMCJ18CA SMCJ18A BUT GET 18.0 20.00 22.10 1 1 51.4 29.2
SMCJ20CA SMCJ20A BEV GEV 20.0 22.20 24.50 1 1 46.3 32.4
SMCJ22CA SMCJ22A BEX GEX 22.0 24.40 26.90 1 1 42.3 35.5
SMCJ24CA SMCJ24A WITHOUT GEZ 24.0 26.70 29.50 1 1 38.6 38.9
SMCJ26CA SMCJ26A BFE GFE 26.0 28.90 31.90 1 1 35.7 42.1
SMCJ28CA SMCJ28A BFG GFG 28.0 31.10 34.40 1 1 33.1 45.4
SMCJ30CA SMCJ30A BFK GFK 30.0 33.30 36.80 1 1 31.0 48.4
SMCJ33CA SMCJ33A BFM GFM 33.0 36.70 40.60 1 1 28.2 53.3
SMCJ36CA SMCJ36A BFP GFP 36.0 40.00 44.20 1 1 25.9 58.1
SMCJ40CA SMCJ40A BFR GFR 40.0 44.40 49.10 1 1 23.3 64.5
SMCJ43CA SMCJ43A BFT GFT 43.0 47.80 52.80 1 1 21.7 69.4
SMCJ45CA SMCJ45A BFV GFV 45.0 50.00 55.30 1 1 20.6 72.7
SMCJ48CA SMCJ48A BFX GFX 48.0 53.30 58.90 1 1 19.4 77.4
SMCJ51CA SMCJ51A BFZ GFZ 51.0 56.70 62.70 1 1 18.2 82.4
SMCJ54CA SMCJ54A BGE GGE 54.0 60.00 66.30 1 1 17.3 87.1
SMCJ58CA SMCJ58A BGG GGG 58.0 64.40 71.20 1 1 16.1 93.6
SMCJ60CA SMCJ60A BGK GGK 60.0 66.70 73.70 1 1 15.5 96.8
SMCJ64CA SMCJ64A BGM GGM 64.0 71.10 78.60 1 1 14.6 103.0
SMCJ70CA SMCJ70A BGP GGP 70.0 77.80 86.00 1 1 13.3 113.0
SMCJ75CA SMCJ75A BGR GGR 75.0 83.30 92.10 1 1 12.4 121.0
SMCJ78CA SMCJ78A BGT GGT 78.0 86.70 95.80 1 1 11.9 126.0
SMCJ85CA SMCJ85A BGV GGV 85.0 94.4 104.0 1 1 11.0 137.0
SMCJ90CA SMCJ90A BGX GGX 90.0 100.0 111.0 1 1 10.3 146.0
SMCJ100CA SMCJ100A BGZ GGZ 100.0 111.0 123.0 1 1 9.3 162.0
SMCJ110CA SMCJ110A BHE GHE 110.0 122.0 135.0 1 1 8.5 177.0
SMCJ120CA SMCJ120A BHG GHG 120.0 133.0 147.0 1 1 7.8 193.0
SMCJ130CA SMCJ130A BHK GHK 130.0 144.0 159.0 1 1 7.2 209.0
SMCJ150CA SMCJ150A BHM GHM 150.0 167.0 185.0 1 1 6.2 243.0
SMCJ160CA SMCJ160A BHP GHP 160.0 178.0 197.0 1 1 5.8 259.0
SMCJ170CA SMCJ170A BHR GHR 170.0 189.0 209.0 1 1 5.5 275.0
SMCJ180CA SMCJ180A BHT GHT 180.0 201.0 222.0 1 1 5.1 292.0
SMCJ190CA SMCJ190A BHU GHU 190.0 211.0 233.0 1 1 4.8 308.0
SMCJ200CA SMCJ200A BHV GHV 200.0 224.0 247.0 1 1 4.6 324.0
SMCJ210CA SMCJ210A BHW GHW 210.0 237.0 263.0 1 1 4.4 340.0
SMCJ220CA SMCJ220A BHX GHX 220.0 246.0 272.0 1 1 4.2 356.0
SMCJ250CA SMCJ250A BHZ GHZ 250.0 279.0 309.0 1 1 3.7 405.0
SMCJ300CA SMCJ300A BJE HAS 300.0 335.0 371.0 1 1 3.1 486.0
SMCJ350CA SMCJ350A BJG GJG 350.0 391.0 432.0 1 1 2.6 567.0
SMCJ400CA SMCJ400A BJK CC 400.0 447.0 494.0 1 1 2.3 648.0
SMCJ440CA SMCJ440A BJM GJM 440.0 492.0 543.0 1 1 2.1 713.0


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